
Failed joining game · Issue #16 · polarathenebiglobby

So,whenever I try to join a friend's game with Big lobbies turned on,it keeps failing to join the game. We've checked each other's files and ...

joining failed: can't join this game right now!

The only workaround is to start a new multiplayer game, invite your friend and then load your latest savegame. The downside is that we now have to go through ...

failed joining game for my epic games friend as well as for me

When my friend tries to join me through code even though the lobby is public he cannot join and an error comes showing Error failed joining game

Error failed joining game :

When trying to accept an invite from my friend or him trying to accept my invites, it always provides us with the error message Failed ...

payday 2 Failed Joining game :( by MftsatyH5H

Make sure you have removed the -steamMM option. This option will prevent you from connecting with the main playerbase.

Failed Joining game :( : rpaydaytheheist

Basically any game i join, its stuck on waiting for game to respond for a little bit, then i get failed joining game afterwards, friends from epic/steam ...

Failed joining game : rpaydaytheheist

I have verified the files, restarted steam and my computer,I reset my filters, I downloaded mods and uninstalled them again. Its not my network ...

Failed to Join Game

On your PC navigate to C:-Users<user_name>-Saved Games-Diablo II Resurrected- and remove SharedStashSoftCoreV2.d2i from the folder (back it up ...

Failed to join game - char is broken? - Median XL

It apparently happens occasionally. You have to wait for next server reset tonight (9ish hours?) if it doesnt fix itself within 15 minutes.


So,wheneverItrytojoinafriend'sgamewithBiglobbiesturnedon,itkeepsfailingtojointhegame.We'vecheckedeachother'sfilesand ...,Theonlyworkaroundistostartanewmultiplayergame,inviteyourfriendandthenloadyourlatestsavegame.Thedownsideisthatwenowhavetogothrough ...,WhenmyfriendtriestojoinmethroughcodeeventhoughthelobbyispublichecannotjoinandanerrorcomesshowingErrorfailedjoininggame,Whentryingtoacceptanin...